May 19, 2008

Moro Again!

This is the end of the week before the last week over here. We are beginning to miss the other team members already! There`s only four days to go. I have stayed with this lovely family (Scott, Kari and Sam Hughes), so thank`s for them.Teemu`s hosts, Ted and June Van Os, also set us a great team evening for yesterday, so thanks guys.

I had the best vocational day ever on friday! The day began with an exitingevent: I got to be at the operating room with Scott Hughes observing his work. I hadn`t been at the operational work since graduating my nursing diploma, so it was fun. I just tried to stay out of their way, but I had some great lessons on anathomy also.

After that I had Bill LaVoy driving me for the rest of the day and I went to see the totally new (2 years in business) Brownstown Henry Ford out patient clinic. After that I went to Annapolis Hospital where I stayed with the socialworkers. First I met Diana Shirkey who works for the ER. I also got to see someof his actual work when she does the interviews and organizis things.

After that I went to the social department of the hospital and found a totally new profession for Finnish hospitals, case workers. We really need these people, who would be helping patients to get through the hospital system and organizing homecare and many other things. I`m going to start a movement for that as soon as I get home!

One of the weeks most exiting events was the incredible luck of having seats for NHL western conference finals on the second row (things like this would only happen if you are related to some of the players! Actually the lucksname is Bill LaVoy). Detroit Red Wings were playing against Dallas Dragons. Bill, you are in our evening prayers!

So, once again, we`ve had a busy and a wonderful week here. Thank`s for all thepeople who has made some much work for us. We love you all.

Mari the Nurse

Nyt alkaa sitten viimeisen viikon alku taalla. Alamme jo ikavoida ryhman jasenia, niisk. Taas kerran, takana on kiireinen ja mahtava viikko. Olen asustellut Scott ja Kari Hughesin (ja poikansa Samin) luona Monroessa. Teemun mahtava isantaperhe, June ja Ted VanOs jarjestivat meille eilen mahtavan tiimi-illan kotonaan. Kiitokset siita!

Perjantain ammatillinen paivani alkoi loistokkaasti: paasin seuraamaan Scottin suorittamaa leikkausta, ortopedisti kun on ammatiltaan. Olen ollut viimeksi leikkaussalissa sairaanhoitajakoulussa 1994, joten yritin oikeastaan vain pysya poissa jaloista, mutta mielenkiintoista oli ja sain uusia ulottuvuuksia jalan anatomiaan.

Leikkauksen jalkeen Bill LaVoy ajelutti minua Henry Fordin paivakirurgiseen sairaalaan (ollut kaksi vuotta toiminnassa), seka Annapoliksen sairaalaan, jossa olin sosiaalityontekija Diana Shirkeyn matkassa. Diana tyoskentelee ensiavun sosiaalityontekijana ja paasin seuraamaan hanen potilastyoskentelyaan. Kavimme myos sairaalan yhteydessa olevalla julkisella akuutin psykiatrian klinikalla.

Olin myos sairaalan sosiaalityontekijoiden mukana hallinnon osastolla, josta loysin suomalaisiin sairaaloihin kokonaan uuden ammattikunnan: hoitoketjuohjaajat. Ihmisia, jotka tuntevat jarjestelman ja pystyvat ohjaamaan potilaita hoitoketjun lapi. Suomalaisessa terveydenhuoltojarjestelmassa todella tarvittaisiin ja aionkin aloittaa kansanliikkeen taman asian tiimoilta heti kotiin paastyani!

Kuitenkin vaikuttavimpia kokemuksia talla matkalla on ollut eiliset toisenrivin paikata NHL matsiin Detroit Red Wings vs. Dallas Dragons. Voitteko kuvitella, etta nama liput, joita on lahes mahdoton saada, vaan tipahtivat meille taivaasta. Enkelit istuvat olallamme. Enkelin nimi on kyllakin BillLaVoy.

Joten, jalleen kerran, takana on kiireinen, mutta mahtava viikko. Olemme todella kiitollisia kaikille mahtaville ihmisille, jotka ovat nahneet hurjastivaivaa eteemme!
