May 2, 2008


We are over to Canada now. You were right, things are a bit different over here. At least they are using km instead of Miles, that`s our first notice.

Just as we arrived, we got to take part at the big Multicultural Herb Grey Harmony Award Gala here in Windsor, where we met the Rotary District Governor Jennifer Jones and Financial Minister of the Ontario Province, Sanra Pupatello, and of course many other interesting people too. The programme was for the fundrising, but the funniest part of everything is this unbelievable story: They sold some silk scarfs for charity ot the gala (lovely looking too) and Katja bought one just for to wear with dresses and warmth. Which she didn`t know was, that there was a lottery included in the bargain, so she also got a lottery ticket and won a diamond ring. Truly a land of opportunity, I would say!

Today we will be taken on tour in Windsor, having lunch at the Serbian Centre and dinner at Johnny Shotzwere we can also play pool and meet the Rotarians of the area.

Mari and the others

Moro kaikille!

Olemme nyt siirtyneet Kanadan puolelle Hudson joen ali (tunnelin kautta). Ero, jonka taalla heti huomasimme on metrijarjestelman kaytto mailien sijaan.

Heti tultuamme paasimme osallistumaan suureen Monikulttuuriseen Harmonia Gaalaan (noin 500 osallistujaa) Windsorissa, jossa ryhmammekin esiteltiin taputuksineen. Keskustelimme erilaisten ihmisten kanssa mm. rotaripiirin kuvernoorin, Jennifer Jonesin seka Ontarion provinssin talousministerin, Sandra Pupatellon ja muiden ihanien ihmisten kanssa. Gaala oli tyypillinen varojen keraystapahtuma. Hauskin tarina tulee kuitenkin tassa: juhlassa myytiin silkkihuiveja hyvantekevaisyyteen kerattavilla rahoilla ja Katja osti yhden koska ne olivat kauniita ja hanella olisi sille kayttoa. Huivin mukana tuli myos pieni oranssi arvontalippu ja kuinka ollakaan, Katja voitti myos timanttisormuksen. Uskomatonta, eiko!! Todellinen mahdollisuuksien maa, eiko.

Tanaan paasemme Windsorin kierrokselle, lounastamme Serbiklubilla ja illastamme Johnny Shotzissa, jossa voi myos pelata biljaria ja tapaamme alueen rotareita.

Mari ja muut