May 7, 2008

I had a great vocational day today, with all the lovely people showing the work they do. In the morning I went to Canadian Mental Care Assosiations one clinic whic belongs to City Centre Health Care of Windsor and had a tour in there. Shannon was very nice to give some of her time to show me around and tell about they do in there.
After that I got to enjoy the company of 4 to 5 year olds at the Summit Centre for Preschool Children with Autism. I was taken care of Laurie Leeming, the senior therapist in there, and rest of the wonderful staff and got to observe the work they do in there. You can see them in the picture above. We also had lunch with Mary Lou Drake, my host, at the the Queen Elisabeth Cafe (with her picture on the wall) and afterwards went on to the Building Blocks for Better Babies, (supervised by my host Mary Lou Drake) Canada Prenatal program for pregnant and just delivered mothers with low income. There I got to attend their nutrition and physical exercise classes, and ofcourse to hold all these lovely children under 6 months! They all are so lovely!
That was my this weeks vocational activity, now we have some Rotary meetings to attend and on thursday we head to Niagara.
Love you all at home. Lots of kisses.
Mari the Mom
Olipas mielenkiintoinen ja antoisa ammatillinen paiva. Aamusta olin lyhyella kierroksella Kanadan mielenterveysjarjeston yhdessa toimipaikassa, jossa Shannon esitteli minulle organisaatiota ja ymparistoa. Sen jalkeen sain osallistua esikouluikaisten autististen lasten kontoutukseen organisaatiossa, josta kuva on. Siella seurasin opetusta ja leikin lasten kanssa, joiden ika on 4-6 vuotta. Ihania, kuten lapset aina. Useimmilla on ongelmia kouluunlahdon kanssa, monet eivat puhu tai ovat vasta alkaneet puhua joitakin sanoja.
Lounastimme kuningatar Elisabeth II:n cafessa, jossa seinalta katsoi itse kuningatar Mary Lou Draken, emantani kanssa. Paasin myos hanen mukaansa hanen omaan organisaatioonsa, jossa tarjotaan vahatuloisille raskaana oleville ja juuri synnyttaneille naisille ohjausta ja tukea terveelliseen ravintoon, liikuntaan ja lapsen hoitoon liittyviin asioihin liittyen. Parasta oli, etta nama upeat naiset antoivat minun hoitaa lapsiaan. Ne kun ovat joka maassa 6 kuukauden ikaisena syotavan ihania!
Taman viikon ammatillinen ohjelma oli siina. Huomenna osallistumme joihinkin rotarykokouksiin ja torstaina lahdemme kohti Niagaraa.
Rakastan omiani kotona. Suukot ja halit!
T: Mari-Aippa